




Vintage coat, sweater and skort via Nifty Thrifty, Asos turtleneck and shoes, Express tights, BDG knee-highs

At the end of the day, I mostly wear vintage clothes because they're cheap and usually made way better than their contemporary offspring.
Living in the East Village puts me in close proximity to warehouse-sourced vintage shops like No Relation and its dynamite little-sister location Village Style, so when I'm not draining my funds and time on Etsy, I'm on the prowl a few blocks away from my apartment, inhaling dust and looking for things to repurpose on a budget. 

The coat I'm wearing here actually almost went up for sale on Nifty Thrifty while I was interning there back in October. I was fawning over it in the warehouse when my then-boss Sam was like, "Oh, the lining on that piece is destroyed so you can totally have it" and folks, upon hearing that, angelic, grateful fanfare started playing in my head. The skort has a similar story, only I snapped it up after a buying trip with NT before it could even go up on the site. 
What can I say, if I likes 'em, I gotta have 'em (if I can afford 'em, that is). 

Now, on the flip side, I usually turn to major outlets and commercial clothiers (if one can even call them that) for basics, like these shoes and top from Asos. The shoes are amazing,  they've been through rain and snow, and they're still not even fraying out or ripping. So, to say the least, they come highly recommended if you're looking for a witchy-mod option for walkable footwear.

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  1. Chic outfit :) Great skirt and shoes!




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