Quarantine Dressing Part I: Forgetting How Chairs Work and Revisiting a Piece I Love


ChloĆ« Sevigny x Opening Ceremony dress, Thrifted American Apparel shirt,Vintage Doc Martens

The red stool lookin' thing is actually an antique camel saddle, and the other stool was once meant to accompany a piano.

Anyone else having a hard time committing to one set of clothes per day? I feel like I change clothes like, 3 times in an afternoon just to liven things up. It's like the sartorial equivalent of a lunch break or a walk.


This weekend I opted for a silk dress and some punk-inspired (yeesh with my poser ass) accoutrement for....nothing in particular, just lounging in-between bouts of cleaning. 
The dress is something I nabbed in college. ChloĆ« Sevigny's collaboration with OC leveraged a bunch of hard/soft contrasts: fetishwear-inspired leather separates with laser cut lace borders,  babydoll dresses styled with big fuck-off platforms. I remember scrolling through the look books for the collection in my dorm room. 

A year after the first drop, when I was working with Bib+Tuck (RIP), I was thrilled to find my favorite piece second-hand (this one). Now I find myself longing to put on something special, so I wear it around the house over a ratty cotton long sleeve, sweet and sour about it.

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