Moodboard • Spring Wool


I have been reading over and over again how people are itching to get elegant and dressed UP once this is all (dare I even suggest) over. I hear this and I think of skirt suits in the 50's and early 60's and laugh.

 One of my favorite things about dressing in the spring is embracing the opportunity to wear practically nothing, or at least very light layers underneath a big ole heavy winter coat. The juxtaposition (again, here I go with the contrasts) of big clunky coats with elegant or flowy dresses and a bunch of baubles is my favorite kinds of thing to wear. Add a T-shirt and we're really in business.

Awkward, a little funny, loose, and always undeniably human and alluring- or at least I think so.

On a sidenote, I honestly dig the snapshot, but all I can think of when I see that fifth photo of the person clutching a copy of that (awful) newspaper is this incredible moment from IDLES' Glastonbury performance.

And how about that new Fiona Apple album, amirite?

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