The Whims









Vintage coat, blouse and denim vest, Motel pants via Koshka (℅), Modern Vice Jett shoes (℅)

Took the latter end of the weekend to hang with my best friends from growing up. Some of these shots were taken by dearest Elanna, who I've known since second grade. We took Monday afternoon to walk around Astoria and Long Island City, which is business as usual, really. We stopped by the Fall exhibition at Socrates Sculpture Park- which is something I implore every one of my fellow New Yorkers to hit up at some point, especially now since the crispness of Fall is right on the heels of these late-summer afternoons.

Here's the thing, almost every time I meet someone, I end up giving this spiel at some point: I grew up in Sunnyside, Queens (NYC), then my family moved to upstate New York (to Buffalo, where I spent high school), and then I came back to the city for college...bah, blah, blah. I feel kind of self-conscious when I go through this because I worry it can come off as if I'm sensationalizing the surroundings of my upbringing, but it's really hard to explain myself otherwise, ya know?  This borough has a flavor all its own that breeds imagination in tiny corners.

I've lived in Manhattan and I live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn now, but man, nothing compares to Queens. Long Island City is the kind of place where you can walk past a taxi graveyard and a mailbox you have to climb whilst on your way to a seriously beautiful sculpture park on the water- in the midst of an industrial-slash-residential neighborhood. I like living in Williamsburg for now, but I've been itching to come back to the place where I grew up for quite some time now, and I'm looking forward to next year, when I can really start planning. Still, for now, I can't complain, because I live down the block from Blue Collar Burger, sooo....

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  1. Isn't it beautiful how sometimes the most obvious choice of scenery takes a backseat to something rugged and familiar? When living in NYC I found myself craving the dirty back roads of my country home, and now that I'm across the pond, I'd sometimes like to trade in neat little pubs for a gritty roadside bar in the mountains.



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