Bits of Gold: A Minimal manicure and a Previously Permanent Bracelet


gold c/o Catbird : Mignon rings (both are a size 3), Welded bracelet

I have gotten this manicure 3 times in a row now, just a couple of coats of a gel Nailglow dupe (my nail artist uses DND #441) and the tiniest gold accent I can get my hands on in the center of my nail bed. I have enjoyed how relatively simple it is, and when it grows out, it's not super duper obvious. To my delight, I noticed that Harriet Westmoreland (an amazing name) has shared a similar manicure. Her take is bit more delicate and earthy.

Also RIP to my welded Catbird bracelet :( After two and a half blissful years together, she ultimately met her fate after getting snagged on a basket



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