An Outfit Post, But it's More About How I Shaved My Head


Thrifted FLAX linen top
Thrifted linen pants
Thrifted denim duster
Vintage belt via 10ft Single
Margiela denim Tabi boots
Antique men's gold ring as a pendant via Circa Antiques 

Here we are folks! It's 2021 and I have shaved my head! 
Extremely not circa-2009-blogger of me to eschew announcement via exploration of the process but this much I'll give as an overview: 

My hair is naturally blonde, as you can kinda see now, and as I have shared in the past. I did some local modeling when I was in high school, and for a year or two, I was a hair model for hair styling expos that came to town. My hair was dyed copper and significantly cropped after one of those gigs when I was 16, and some version of that style stuck with me for over a whole! ass! decade! 

That's right, twelve years of dyeing my hair once every three months. I had a signature! I loved it, and while I was building out my blog, one of the things that folks universally brought up was my red hair. Still, I had this feeling that one day, at some point, I would no longer choose to maintain it. I wondered what would cause such a big change in my appearance. Answer: a global fucking pandemic.

Jevins encouraged me to listen to my prodding thoughts to shave my head. We aren't strangers to leaps of personal appearance, place or time. We spent most of 2020 social distancing with his family in Idaho, relishing final visits with his aunt and helping his mom move out of his childhood home. You live life once, try it. So I did with his help- holding all of my hair in a ponytail between the shears of a pair of scissors. In the wee hours of the morning, in our apartment bathroom, shortly after the new year, we lobbed all my red hair off. I looked in the mirror afterwards and saw my mom. She shaved her head when I was in high school.

There's my year for ya! I started seeing a therapist and kind of fell back into myself not handling isolation very well. I suspect I'll uncover details for the rest of my life. In the meantime, I have been wearing cotton and linen and gold.



  1. This look is bomb and you look amazing as always :)

    Phlanx's Marketing Specialist



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