vintage dress-turned-duster & fishnet top, Asos blouse, Reformation jeans, Joy Gryson satchel (℅), ASH boots via Simon (℅)
I could be annoying and say something along the lines of "Grunge ain't dead, folks!" and point a be-ringed finger at the gingham/fishnet/jean combo here, but instead I'm gonna go with "Here's that one time I decided this white shoulderless top needed to go from Woodstock to Glenn O'Brien's T.V. Party"
The second I saw this wrap dress at 10ft Single, I said to myself "That ain't a dress, it's a duster" and so it became truth, I haven't worn this like a dress yet!
...Mostly because it's like, 40ºF out right now and it's gonna snow later tonight, but hey, I've been consistent, ok?