'The Beach' Shot by Ben Simpson for Oyster Fashion Mixed With 'Rocky Road' Shot By Gavriel Maynard


I don't know if I should feel uncomfortable mixing these two editorials together. I mean, same publication, similar backdrops, two angsty subjects: one softer in predicament than the other with pop inspiration stemming but 3 years apart from each other. Many larger questions, but I'll have you contemplate them yourself, if you'd like.

Implied inspiration from All Saints' 1998 teen dream hit Pure Shores (Out of Reach) -  
Heavy, mysterious, vacant; like coats and heavy separates were thrown on quickly in an escape towards solidarity.

Stylist Sarah Starkey styled every look with her own platform brogues, utilized what looks like all natural materials (wool, leather, etc), and let ankles hang out under bunched up socks on sandy beaches. Appreciating the mooooooods.

Implied inspiration from Britney Spears' 2001 pop croon I'm A Girl, Not Yet a Woman
High School Sport Acid Uniform'd runaway with all the right kinds of awkward.


  1. Love the mood of these shots, thanks for share!

    lb-lc fashion blog| bloglovin'

  2. love the way the clothes are styled
    i was wondering why the photos were so grainy then i realised it was on purpose.. :P



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