Eye Love






From top to bottom: (1) Otrera evil eye scarf, Silver ring bought in London, vintage eye pendant, street vendor'd bracelet, eBay eye + ear cuff, Datter Industries ring (2) A pair of (probably ) Greek marble and bronze eyes from the 5th century B.C. (taken at the Met, more here) (3) Otrera scarf (4) wearing a vintge pendant wit my Cheap Monday Sonya backless shirt (5) Datter Industries ring that I wear every day

My Instagram is piling up with eye photos!

For as long as I can remember, I've been obsessed with eyes as symbols. It all started with my   fascination with ancient Egypt when I was little. I would see the the practically omnipresent Eye of Osirus over and over again in my dozens of books on Egyptian art, and then later on, I would come to notice some form of it throughout all ancient (and modern) cultures. It would pop up again when I started reading about psychedelic culture and the 60's & 70's, and it moved on into punk culture and goth culture and so on..

While I'm focusing on art history, anthropology & fashion culture in school, I find myself thinking more and more about the things I love to wear and why I choose to wear them. Evil eyes have been woven into the fabric of communication and symbolism since Ancient Egypt, moving in its meaning all the way up to modern rock culture and beyond. There's just something so amazing about that.

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