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eye ring via Etsy, LAS Skull ring & thrifted stone

Y'all awesome peeps already know I have a huge thing for witchy rings (or just rings in general) & the newest crop kinda solidifies that fact if it weren't clear enough. I canNOT get over my new eye ring and all its badass-ery. It's the second ring I have featuring a glass eyeball and I intend to get more consideering how it either a) freaks people out when they see it sitting on my finger or b) gets a lot of compliments

can't go wrong with either, right?

The LAS, despite it being huge on my hand, is really fun to wear. I got one after being inspired by Taylor's

ALLLLLSO! Another Interview! This one's from Beautiful Stranger (so awesome & honored, they do great work)


  1. those rings look so cool! especially the eye ring ^^ x

  2. Love the deer ring so much!


  3. what a neat collection! I'm going to keep an eye out for such a dear find (sorry, sorry I can't resist bad puns)

  4. I just love that animal skull ring. It is so ROCK STAR! I just overall enjoy your blog.

  5. It's always time to go ring shopping in my world.

    Witchy rings are very versatile.



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