In case you couldn't tell already, I am VERY near-sighted- I first started wearing glasses in 3rd grade, and only started wearing contacts in high school because my lenses became so heavy that it started to make the sides of my nose hurt.
Even though I need to wear some kind of sight aid at all times, making it easier to go for contacts, I still like to wear glasses every once in a while (i.e. on weekends, lounging about the apartment). When it comes to choosing frames, I've gone by two key pointers over the years:
1. The stronger your prescription, the more your lenses will shrink your eyes (case and point right here!)
2. The more your lenses shrink your eyes, the larger and rounder your frames should be- circular lenses will soften the effect of eye shrinkage. I still prefer a more rectangular shape for my face.
Thank goodness for GlassesUSA though, these frames are super inexpensive and cool- plus I only went off was use the virtual try-on and boom! I'm shocked at how accurate it turned out.
You of course look amazing, but I need to ask--WHERE can i get this Bosch wallpaper?? I'm so in love.