Vintage coat, Vintage Calvin Klein denim jacket via Dusty Rose (℅), vintage boots (added laces), Asos Farleigh jeans, WE ARE COW dress (℅), Uniqlo Heattech turtleneck, Vivienne Westwood x Cambridge Satchel Co. bag (℅)
Taking photos yourself is exhausting, y'all.
Trekking a tripod around, potentially obstructing walkways, getting confused looks and comments from passer-bys, cat-calls, tripping over my own dumbass feet, malfunctioning timer triggers, meh.
And yet, I still prefer to do things this way for some stupid reason.
I guess this look was an experiment in
"....how many patterns can I get away with today?"
I dunno if I got away with anything really, but I still wore 'em. Also, this plaid jumper dress-turned tunic used to be a men's XL flannel shirt. Nifty, eh?
Those pants are epic on you!