Human Habit Roped In sweatshirt (℅), vintage leather jacket, agnés b dress (℅), Opening Ceremony loafers
Weather in Brooklyn has been wholly inconsistent for a month now. One day it's cool enough for a sweatshirt and maybe are legs, the next you need to put pants and a leather jacket on.
Speaking of, lemme introduce you to Human Habit- based out of these here parts in NYC, this collective is providing that sartorial sweet spot of tech//art//fashion through gender neutral garments and beautifully and thoughtfully made separates. This sweatshirt's net design is embroidered over a silkscreen, alluding to mankind's inability to completely control nature. Sicknasty. A nice reminder to have on the daily- especially when you work in tech :}
eye-catching loafers!
Ugh a perfect post as always. I love your photography.