Revisiting Xiao Wen Ju for Marc Jacobs


Xiao Wen Ju for Marc Jacobs Spring/Summer 2012 shot by Juergen Teller.

 I was having a discussion with my room mate the other night about editorial subject matter (I, II, III), and one of the things I've found myself drawn to has been this theme of presenting models in concrete gardens, back parking lots, and other places that're not really visited unless it's to stow something (i.e. cars & detritus) or to congregate somewhat in secret. 

I shoot photos for my blog in those exact locations simply out of necessity- because I'm by myself with a tripod and I constantly get people interfering or cat-calling me like assholes, but I've grown to prefer the solitude anyway. Now, choosing to shoot in these locations might also come out of a need for a couple of things when it comes to exhibiting a character in clothes: texture (concrete, peeling paint etc) and a mysterious sense of, not necessarily hiding, but appearing as if you've ducked out of something for an encounter with the subject one-on-one. What I particularly like about this ad campaign is that Teller felt that the prints, metallic elements and the retro colors in this collection were well eerily suited for these dark Italian alleyways with peeling paint, graffiti and parked cars- areas carved out by city residents who are absent. He found areas where the spontaneous placement of the pastel cars and purple speckled paint on a wall, for example, would compliment the looks styled by Poppy Kain. And what's more, Xiowen's playfulness helps give the photos and looks something sweet rather than grimy. She's not out-of-place, she's weirdly at home in these settings.

Like I said, I shoot in a number of locations out of necessity, but I'm hoping I can change things up to make my images more cohesive.

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  1. Love this shoot! She is so fun, as are the clothes.

    Jess and Ruby xx

  2. I think that you are right!

    45 outfit for every style on lb-lc fashion blog

  3. Love this



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