Went back upstate to my parents' place in Buffalo for the weekend, took a bunch of stuff on my phone. It's rather alarming how quickly or how obsessively I can turn out edited photos on my phone, and it's gotten a little out of hand with how much of my free time it takes up. We're in the car driving to dinner and I'm editing one photo for 45 minutes; and it's bad enough my my dad is a photographer and does the same thing. I'm thinking, at least it's great to be in the age of an all-in-one photo device, even if it's rendering our capacity for empathy and our attention to who's in front of us is shrinking by the year- Oh, wait...
Give this NYT article a read, because it's made me think a lot this past weekend, and it has proven to be rather revealing. Blogging has taken a backseat because I've become embarrassed by it and how much it makes me think about myself too much, but now I'm just starting to think about it differently.
amazing pictures!and i really wish i had your hair color... i'm so scared to dye mine
I'm the same way with editing pictures, I could do it obsessively for hours. And I feel the same way about blogging! I'm almost ashamed to tell random people I meet that I post literal selfies of myself every day on my blog. Great read with that article. Sure does add a new perspective.
Amazing pictures.