

             Cashmere Maxi Cardigan via Bib+Tuck, Cheap Monday blouse, AG Jeans, Ectoe boots, Foley & Corinna backpack

For those of y'all followin' ya girl on Twitter, you might already know that I'm doing some fun stuff with Bib+Tuck as their resident guest blogger and collaborator. I'll be writing stuff for them on Thursdays over at Tucked In while also curating trend collections erry week.
Oh, you might not know what Bib+Tuck is? Well, lemme tell ya, it's pretty sweet.

Bib+Tuck is an awesome site that allows you to sell and trade items in your closet alongside top-notch creative-types really easily and super quickly. As an outspoken second-hand clothes wearer and vintage enthusiast, I've been really committed to Bib+Tuck for a few years now. Sharing closets is not only a fantastic way to meet intensely interesting people, it's also a way of recycling and reducing the massive amounts of clothing and textile waste we create as fashionable consumers every year. It's also way less expensive. Cha-ching!

And so, I'm here to sing the praises of the site, because it's really fun and really addictive once you find that one cool piece. Each week, the team comes up with style-guided lists of items that are curated based on theme too, which is really fun in case you're looking for something specific. I find all kinds of cool stuff on there, like this^ killer cashmere maxi cardigan is an example of something I really needed and finally found at a reasonable price thanks to B+T. I love how it's really dramatic and luxurious, almost in a cartoony way with how it falls like a villain's cape. With the weather peaking, it's been following me around to school like a safety blanket.

So yeah. Thursdays. Tucked In. Be there.

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  1. The longer the cardi, the better!

    xo Jennifer




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