





Free People chiffon button down, Stylemint shirt, For Cynthia plaid jacket, Mango coat, Rag & Bone pants, Sigerson Morrison boots, Leifsdottir bag

Why do I drag my decently expensive bags on the ground like an aloof child? Why do I usually fail to keep my possessions in a respectable condition? 

When I was in high school, I was encouraged (no, actually TOLD- we were graded on our "markings", as they were called) to completely destroy my books with marks and notes in the margins so that I would "read actively", a way to make sure I was paying attention to the story at hand. I've sort of carried this "destroy the things you love" practice throughout my life and my stuff, so by wearing the hell out of my belongings, I prove to myself that I love them.

So out of what I'm wearing here, you probably can't tell that my pants have a small "V" shaped split at the back band at the waist, the taps of my boots have disintegrated with wear, and the last two rows of buttons on this coat have been lost to the street traffic of the city, but whatever, I'll wear them 'till I can't anymore. I'll alsosay that 40% of those choices to keep these things from falling apart has to do with sheer laziness and lack of money, but that also adds to a romatic appeal, doncha think?
The Mona Lisa is falling apart.
...Not that a coat from Mango is fine art.

A mix of prints and textures can keep your mind awake and more focused upon a glance; the mélange here is something I've been trying to incorporate in my outfits as I get ready for class. Maybe after I get my homework done I'll finally make my way down to a tailor, but what can I say, I'm a sucker for novelty.

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  1. Great outfit, great layering and great and analysis around why we need to "mark" our clothes :) I do the same quite often, after some time you can see small pieces of my intervention on my clothes/accessories here and there..

  2. Love the print mixes!

    xo Jennifer

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