Creatures of Comfort Fall 2014


photos via

Man, the styling in this collection:

Update: Toooootally mixed up an NYMAG review for Creatures of the Wind with this one the last time I posted, thank you to the readers who pointed out my mistake, definitely learned my lesson to maybe not write when I'm sleep-deprived...

Although it's gotten mixed reviews, I appreciate the eclectic, thoughtful styling of this collection. Perhaps it's because I am still learning how to layer thoughtfully myself, or maybe it's because I'm sentimental for the coats and bags that remind me of my mom's. In any case, the fact that this collection had a sense of grown-up playfulness (read: intellectual) intrigues me, and I guess it should, because according to designer Jade Lai, the inspiration for the collection was the board game Clue.

See, after reading that, in my head, I went "Genius, I say! Simply delightful". The looks and pieces themselves would definitely benefit from a clutched, glinting candelabra or a bit of rope at hand, no? Oh, and in the library, these looks are definitely in the library. 
The colors are INTENSELY good, no wonder Clue's been played for years; the damn color scheme of the game and the movies were always classically rich and- ahem- reminiscent of what you'd expect to find in the home of a plundering English explorer decked and surrounded by the riches of his country's colonies. 

Yes, the pieces are awkward though, that last dress seems to have pissed some folks off because it has the asymmetrical pocket at the top that doesn't seem to do any good, but the color's nice! And the silk 'n wool combo is always such a feast if you ask me. Intellectual is the word that comes to mind when looking at the pieces: practical in their warmth, clever in their layers, unstuffy in their proportions and whimsical in their details. And flats, oh, glorious flats with socks, I don't care if it looks super-granny, that's its charm. Just because the layers are strange at moments (ones I haven't put up here) doesn't mean that we can't see them as fun. Again, at the end of the day, maybe it's because this collection reminds me of my mom, who is a graphic designer and very partial to Heritage leather bags with brass hardware, strap flats and oversized knits; but perhaps what's more is that I was able to look at this collection and learn something about getting dressed.

So there, first show of the week that I can really get behind. 

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  1. Totally agree with you. The layering, colors, and materials all look superb.

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  4. Nice coverage! One important note: this post references a "whiplash" comment that Robin Givhan wrote about Creatures of The Wind, and that you are incorrectly connecting to the Creatures of Comfort collection. The link in your first line goes to the Creatures of The Wind review on as well...



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