It's Me, Actin' a Fool


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These are actually my favorite shoes at the moment, no lie. Get 'em HURR

Ladies & Gents, this is your chance to act a fool and get some cool stuff for doing so!

The Aldo Dance! contest is going on now, and all you need to do is slip on those dancin' shoes, make a video to ‘Sweet Sixteen’ by ‘Think About Life’ , and post it to Aldo for a chance to win $2,500! you don't even need to be a good dancer, believe me, I know because I uploaded a video as an example

Now, I'm not actually entered into the contest, but as you can see, you don't need to be an amazing dancer to have fun!

So upload if you can & have fun doing it!


  1. Unfortnately, don't know if I can really properly shimmy down thanks to a twisted ankle (torso on up?)... But seeing your dance was hilarious! Pretty rad moves there. :D

    Toast with Charmalade

  2. hahaha, you have some sweet dance moves! :D

  3. ohh, i love these shoes! <3

  4. The contest looks like so much fun! It's too bad I can't enter though ! love the shoes, and your blog ! From today on, I'm a follower ! :)
    Hope you drop by my blog too ! ^^

  5. loving those shoes! xx

    p.s. I'm having a giveaway over on my blog for a vintage cross necklace if you'd like to check it out. :)

  6. haha, great! i loooove your wedges... where are they from?



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